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Magnets: A Hands-On Science Unit
Engaging, hands-on lessons for introducing primary students to magnets. Requires predicting, problem solving, observation, data collection, graphing, and cooperative learning.
(Download from A to Z's store: Teacher eBooks NOW)

Electricity & Magnetism open in new window
Lesson Plan
A series of experiments about electricity and magnetism
Grade Level(s): 3-5, 6-8

How Strong is Your Magnet? open in new window
Lesson Plan
This lesson follows Magnetic Pick-Ups. Students experimentally measure the strength of a magnet and graph how the strength changes as the distance from the magnet increases, and as the barrier (masking tape) is built between the magnet and an iron object.
Grade Level(s): 3-5

Magnet Man: Cool Experiments With Magnets open in new window
Lesson Plan
Lots of information about magnets and experiments for varying levels.
Grade Level(s):

Magnetic Pick-Ups open in new window
Lesson Plan
Students will gain an understanding that certain materials are attracted to magnets and some are not.
Grade Level(s): 3-5

Magnets - Polarity open in new window
Lesson Plan
Students will identify and describe the poles of a magnet. They will demonstrate how the poles interact with one another.
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5

Magnets Unit open in new window
Lesson Plan
In this unit students perform a variety of activities to learn about magnets. (kinds of objects which are attracted to a magnet, magnets exert a force on some objects at a distance, there are two poles on a magnet, and those poles have either attractive or repulsive effects on the pole of a second magnet)
Grade Level(s): 1-2


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