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Rainforest Exploration
Lesson Plan
Students create a display of a rainforest animal and its habitat.
Grade Level(s): K

Rainforest Fun
Decorate one of your bulletin boards with a green leaf pattern cloth for a background. Staple silk flowers on the board to make the board 3-D. Have several different rainforest animal silhouettes (cut-outs) placed on each child's desk. Have them write their name on the animal and decorate the animal any way they like. Staple these on the board with the monkeys in the trees, the butterflies in the air, and so on. Throughout the year they can add animals, pictures of plants found the rainforest and clips of information about the rainforest for year round learning. At the end of the year host a "showing" of your board to other classes and have your students share what they have learned. Have Fun!
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5

The Importance of the Rainforest
Lesson Plan
Read and discuss The Great Kapok Tree to learn about the importance of the rainforest.
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5

Making Rain Forest Items: Fast and Easy open in new window
Lesson Plan
Instructions for making poison arrow frogs out of clay, vines, and leaves.
Grade Level(s):

Rain Forest Museum and Menagerie open in new window
Lesson Plan
As part of a Rain Forest Action Club, students choose an area to research, become experts on a topic or area of study, and create a mini-museum of their findings to present to the community.
Grade Level(s): 6-8

Science in the Rainforest - Take a Walk in the Rainforest open in new window
Lesson Plan
A self-guided tour from PBS - follow this self-guided tour of some of the various plants and animals you would see
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8

Amazing Rainforest Animals open in new window
Resource Site
A collection of rainforest animal pictures, wingspark writings, and resource links.
Grade Level(s):

A Walk in the Rainforest
Amazon.com Item

Rain Forests (Magic Tree House Research Guide)
Amazon.com Item

The Great Kapok Tree: A Tale of the Amazon Rain Forest
Amazon.com Item
Paperback by Lynne Cherry


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