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Quiet Game
Submitted by: shoselton
Originally posted at the A to Z Teacher Stuff Discussion Forums

This "quiet game" might help during dismissal....the kids love it and most importantly, it's QUIET. All you need is a Nerf ball. The children spread out in the room. One person (usually the winner of the previous game) gets to make the rules i.e. throw underhand, throw overhand, right arm stays behind your back, catch with left hand and then throw with right hand, etc. The children take turns throwing the ball to a classmate. If the classmate misses or does not catch/throw the ball correctly, he or she is out and must sit down. The children must also stay in their original position. If anyone talks or makes a noise they are automatically out. The last person standing is the winner and gets to make the rules for the next game. The only disadvantage for playing it during dismissal is that the children who leave first won't have an opportunity to win. It's also great for inside recess!!!!



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