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I "Caught Ya" doing something great!!
Submitted by: Angee Duvall, Primary

Last year, I got so tired of always disciplining the “bad” kids and never giving enough attention to the “good” kids so I came up with this plan. This has helped me reward those children who are always with me, who are always listening, who follow directions, etc. And it helped me motivate those children who struggle to try harder. I printed up some small, colorful 1-in x 1-in pieces of paper that are labeled “I Caught Ya doing something great!” I keep a stack in my pocket all day long. Whenever I see someone doing something great, I give them a “Caught Ya.” They put their name on the back and put it into the “Caught Ya” basket. On Fridays, my helper of the day chooses one friend to stay in from recess and they count the “Caught Ya’s.” They count how many each student has and put the numbers on a piece of paper for me. They then place all the “Caught Ya’s” back in the basket for later. Knowing who has won, they have to keep it a secret until I reveal the winner to the class (I usually do that right after lunch). After lunch, I reveal who had the most and give a small prize (a coupon to the movies, a small toy, etc.). I then take the basket and we draw three papers out of the basket. These students get a piece of candy. If we draw out the same student two times, then that student gets two pieces of candy. It motivates the children to get as many as they can because they never know when they might win!!! I then dump out the basket, and we begin again. It has helped me so much with behavior in my classroom!



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