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Behavior Management
Submitted by: Pennie, 5-6 Grade

I use a vinyl pocket chart with a pocket for each child. It is called a "Start Chart". We use both good and bad marks in it. The idea is that each child is "reaching for the stars", so I use laminated stars for the good marks. I use brown buttons for the "ground," bad marks. Each time the child does something nice for someone else they receive a star. They also receive a star for an A on tests. If a child does something that could harm another student or is directly disobedient they receive a button or have a star removed. They can not have both stars and buttons in their pocket. They love to see how far up in the stars they can go and don't want to be caught "underground" at the end of the week. Each week we count the stars and the top boy and girl each get something out of my basket of goodies. The children learn to be thoughtful and kind to others in their desire to receive stars.



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