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Fun tip from a sub
Submitted by: Rebecca White

My best idea for behavior management is positive, and effective. When a student misbehaves, I give a verbal warning to "settle down". If the undesired behavior continues, I walk over to the child, lean down on the desk, and start singing the National Anthem or Show Tunes! I have had amazing responses to this. First, the child is utterly embarassed. Second, the others are laughing, and hard. I tell the child that I can sing all day, albeit not well, and that I will do so until he/she decides to change the behavior. I used to threaten to sing in public when my own kids were acting up, and it always worked. As a sub teacher, the kids will always test me. One or two songs usually settles the class into positive behaviors. And it is so shocking and funny to them, that they love it. It also makes me unpredictable to them, so they do shape up!



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