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Working Together for Classroom Behavior...
Submitted by: Claudia

In order to motivate the entire class to work together for great classroom behavior, I am designing a race track with several pit rows on poster board. Whenever the class gets a compliment from the principal, a parent, an assistant, or teacher, the race car will be advanced one space. If group misbehavior continues after a warning, the race car is moved back to the nearest pit row. The race may only continue when the class has earned the privilege back. When the class has completed the race, everyone receives a reward. This really inspires kids to be quiet in the halls and enrichment classes because they are seeking a compliment. You can even divide into teams and have more than one race car. I have done a much simpler version of this reward system in the past. Using a large blank hundred board on poster board, I fill in empty squares with stickers as the class receives praise. Stars are placed at different points on the chart. When each star is reached, it's time to celebrate. A big celebration is due when all 100 squares are filled with stickers. However as class activities get loud, the stars are moved further away. Pretty soon the class gets quiet if the think you are going to the star chart!



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