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Submitted by: T. Martin-Odin Elem. Odin, IL.,

I use a communication bulletin board with all students' names on it in bright colored and bold print. I cut 3 slits in the construction paper that is on the board by each kid's name. I then slide paper clips in the slits. This way we can put tags by the child's name by simply sliding it up underneath the paper clip. I have the following tags in a basket stapled to the the bulletin board ...

  • a red 5 minute tag for those who are talking during no talk time. They have to give up 5 min. of playtime. If more than one 5 min. tag is on the board by their name that day they have to write a note home telling mom and dad what is going on and have it signed.
  • a blue "math helper" tag. The actual helper of the day chooses this person to hand out all math papers we will need to the kids' desks while all others are at the meeting wall in the morning.
  • a purple "unfinished work" tag This way anytime someone does not finish work before it is time to move on, they put a purple tag by their name, then take the paper back to my desk and place it in the "unfinished work" tray.
This has helped with organization of papers and classroom control.



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