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morning work
Submitted by: Cyndi Stahr, 4th

I divide my class into colors. I buy fluorescent colored circle stickers and match with the same color highlighter. I ask each child to have a folder for morning work and randemly stick a colored circle on their folder with their name. In my grade book I highlight each childs' color so I have a quick check of what color I assigned each child. I then assign work either on the board or a review sheet to do as morning work. One idea that the kids like to do is to find the mistakes in three sentences written on the board. This helps them to learn how to edit papers. They place their work in their folder and I call a color each day. The students never know what color I will call so they all do their work. I usually only have 5-6 folders to check each day which helps me keep up with their review work. I can easily see in my grade book what color needs to be called and which students are not using their time wisely.



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