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Submitted by: Jacklyn Probert

Many parents want to help, but are unable to come to the school during the day. At the beginning of the year, I ask for 5 "Home Volunteers." ** I prepare a 5 large clasped envelopes with teacher name, classroom number, and the words HOME VOLUNTEER written on each. I write the name of each of the days of the week (Mon- Friday), one day on each envelope. I also write the volunteer's family name on the envelope. I then laminate the envelope so it will last the full year. ** The day of the week on the envelope is the day of the week the parent can expect the volunteer packet to come home with their child. This helps the parent to know when to look for it, and gives them the opportunity to pick the best volunteer night of the week. ** Some of the ideas for using the packets could be: 1) placing stickers on papers--include stickers, 2) homework pages to compile--include stapler, 3) things to cut out, 4) things to put together, 5) phone calls to make, 6)letters/notes to mail and send, etc. ** If you don't have anything to send home that night, send the envelope with a thank you note and candy bar included! My parents have loved helping at home, and students enjoy seeing their parent(s) helping!



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