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Ideas for helping student teachers
Submitted by: Karen, Third

My cooperating teacher went out of her way to help me. She not only went through her files, but through the files of nearly every teacher in the building and pulled useful papers, unit plans and anything I might possibly need to begin teaching. I have tried to do something of the same for my student teachers. I have gotten a journal (usually from the school bookfair) and left it in the lounge with a note asking all the other teachers in the building to share their favorite teacher tips. She got ideas of all sorts-even recommendations on how much water to drink! For the student teacher I have this year, I have taken several pictures of her and our students working. When she moves to a different grade level, I will have the students help me make a scrapbook to give her so that she will always remember the kids she has come to love. (BTW I told her I was taking the pictures for surprise pages to give to the kids at the end of the year. I will do that too.)



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