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First Meeting With Your Master Teacher
Submitted by: PILAR, K-8

As a student teacher, I found that my Master Teacher had very little info about me. I called her ahead of time at my supervisor's request. I made arrangements to meet my Master Teacher and new class a few weeks before my assignment was to begin. This relieved me of a lot of the first day stresses such as where's the lunchroom, etc. ** In addition, I looked up the school's website familiarized myself with who the principal was, the mission statement of the school and their SAT 9 scores. This gave me a good understanding of the challenges that I would probably face in the coming weeks. ** I also prepared a "bio" of myself for my Master Teacher and gave this to her at our first meeting. It included my name, e-mail, phone number, block leader and supervisor's name, and other personal information. In addition, I was going to need to leave the classroom on certain days for seminars and indicated the dates and reasons on the "bio" paper. My new Master Teacher was very grateful and I was pleased that we were able to do this prior to my first day.



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