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Grade Level(s): 9-12
By: Marvin Romero, English Teacher

A lesson on making choices.


After the lesson, the students will complete a chart and participate in a discussion with 80% proficiency.



  1. Prompt: Does making choices often mean making compromises? Why or Why Not?
  2. Hand out chart or write chart on board.
  3. Have students complete the chart.
  4. Have students read the two poems.
  5. Have each student design a question about one of the poems the read. This will be used for the brief seminar.
  6. Conduct a Socratic Seminar using the student questions as commentary for discussion. (Additional questions may be asked by the teacher to steer student thought.)
  7. Present the following questions for students to answer in a timed fashion:
    • Can the freedom to choose be a drawback? Why?
    • What choice are you going to make today regarding your education and future? Why?
  8. Each response must be a half-page in length and turned in.
Evaluation and Revision:

(reserved space for educator reflection and possible changes)

Use the following question to complete the chart below:

What do you think is the most important choice you have had to make in your life thus far?

I decided to ______________________________________________________

People or things which influenced:

Reasons I chose to do this:

My decision:

Other Options I Had:


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