Rocks Are Different Colors, Lesson 2 - Rocks Unit
Grade Level(s):
K, 1-2
Jane, Kindergarten Teacher
Examine different rocks and find the many different colors in each and then compare these rocks with other rocks.
Materials: - plastic bowls
- water
- rock collection
- crayons
- worksheet with rocks that look as if they are in an egg carton
- paper towels
Plan: I begin by asking the class how rocks are different. They usually answer by size because we did a sizing lesson previously. We then brainstorm other ways. I ask if they have every found a rock that was a pretty color. All hands go up! I then ask how many colors a rock can be and we begin to experiment to find out. - First they look at their rock collection and tell me the colors they see.
- They then put each rock in the bowl of water. "Did the rock change colors? Can you see the color better?"
- We then dry our rocks and put them back into the egg carton.
- I instruct the children to take their worksheet and color each rock the same color(s) as theirs.
- Go to next lesson, Some Rocks are Heavier Than Others
At the end of the lesson, I ask what happened when they put their rocks into the water. I ask if anyone had a rock with ___color(s), and how many different colors a rock had. We then prepare a graph of colors to see what the most frequent color was.
Related Pages:
Making a Rock Collection, Lesson 1 - Rocks Unit
K, 1-2
To present the concept, Rocks Can Be Different Sizes.
Some Rocks are Heavier Than Others, Lesson 3 - Rocks Unit
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We know that rocks are different in colors and sizes. Today we are going to find out which rocks are the heaviest.