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Where is Triangle?
Grade Level(s): Preschool, K
By: Debbie Haren, Preschool Teacher

Use these songs for a fun way to learn about shapes.


  • Different colors of construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Scotch tape


Step 1: Cut out small shapes for each child in the same color. For example: triangles= red, circles=green, rectangles = orange, squares = blue and ovals = yellow.

You need to make 5 different shapes for this activity. Make sure they are small because they are going to be put on the fingers of the children's hands.

Step 2: Put a small amount of scotch tape on the back of each shape.

Step 3: Explain to the children you are going to use the song "Where is Thumpkin?" but with different words.

Step 4: Sing one verse of this song to get the kids excited about this game.

Here is the song:

Where is triangle? Where is triangle?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you today sir? Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.

Step 4: Tape the shapes to the children's hands in the same shape order. For example Thumb = triangle, pointer = circles, tall man = rectangles, ring man = squares, pinky = ovals.

Then proceed with the song...

Where is circle? where is circle?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you today sir? Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.

Where is rectangle? Where is rectangle?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you today sir? Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.

Where is square? Where is square?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you today ma'am? Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.

Where is oval? Where is oval?
Here I am. Here I am.
How are you today sir? Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.


To do a little extra on this activity you can tape the kids singing it and then have them listen to themselves singing. They love this and they are fascinated with hearing themselves on a tape recorder.


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