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Hybrid Sport
Grade Level(s): 9-12
By: Jim Feger, Marianas High School

A team net sport like volleyball with more and different competitive features. This sport is played during P.E. classes and for lunch time activity.


To develop a better team net sport.


A volleyball court and two indoor soccer goals (6 x 12 feet). Place the goals 8 to 10 feet behind each end of the court and centered. Service areas are on either side of the goals.


Students should have good volleyball skills and a basic knowledge of both the side-out and rallypoint scoring systems of volleyball.

This game is fast and furious. A game is 10 points or a goal, whichever comes first. When a goal is scored, game is over. The team that scored the goal wins the game regardless of team scores. If a goal is not scored, only the service team can win a game.

There are five or six players on a team, goalie included. The goalie isn't allowed to catch a ball to try to keep it out of the goal. Only one person is allowed to defend the goal off the serve. Other than that, a goal is scored under the same circumstances as in soccer. A goal can be scored even if a ball rolls or bounces into a goal.

If the first serve of any player rotating into the servers position is bad, his/her team loses one point and the serve. If the team doesn't have any points and a players first serve is bad, then their opponents receive a point and the serve. After the first serve, if a team makes a bad serve, the team loses the serve, and scoring advantage. This is the side-out feature

Points can be scored by either team off the serve or during any subsequent play action. This is a rally point feature.

Two points will be awarded to the service team, if off the serve, a ball lands on the receiving team's court untouched.

The service team has the first three hit option of play. The receiving team has two hits off the serve to send the ball back over the net. After the ball has crossed over the net the third time, both teams have the three hit option play.

The service team has closure. Only a team with serve, that can serve the ball over the net, and score a point/s off the served ball, can win a game. This is a side-out feature.

There is no two point margin rule to win a set, because when working with this kind of offensive and defensive scoring system, an anomaly developed that makes the two point margin of victory rule of volleyball a repetitively redundant feature. That means a service team has closure and the game takes care of its self. (No artificial assimilation needed).

There is a very intense competitive challenge between the server of one team and the goalie of the other. If a ball touches the net on the serve it is considered a bad serve.


My students like it because of its unpredictablility. A game can end with one serve, a new team comes on court, plays to ten points or a goal, and then another team comes to court...and so on and so on.

Students are waiting for me at lunch time...if they want to play volleyball, they can play at the other court....but, you know what.....when we are playing this game, there is no other team net sport played. They are either signing up a team to play, or making up a new team for another game...and so on, and so on.

This is a best practice lesson plan.

This sport was first played in 1980 and has since then developed into what it is today.

Jim Feger
Marianas High School
Susupe, Saipan
MP 96950 USA


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