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Traditions of Spain
Grade Level(s): 3-5

The students will gain knowledge of Spanish customs. The students will be able to compare this with that of the United States customs.


The students will listen to a guest speaker from Cleveland State University, Department of Foreign Language, Jose Labrador tell about different customs of Spain. The students will have made up at least four questions to ask the speaker earlier today in language arts class. The students will be able to recall at least two popular Spanish dishes.


  • Guest speaker from CSU
  • Spanish Music - Flamenco
  • Four Spanish Dishes
  • Spanish Recipes
  • BINGO card
  • Spanish cards
  • Pencil
  • Paper


Pre-Instructional Assessment - To find out what the students know prior to the lesson, the teacher will start out by asking the students, do you listen to music? Do you eat food? If so, what kind of food do you eat? Then, the teacher will say that she loves Spanish food. The teacher will then ask the students to tell her if they know any Spanish food? The teacher will list the food on the board. Then, the teacher will tell the students that she loves Spanish music because it is so relaxing and great for dancing. The teacher will then play some different types of music, and ask the students which one they think was Spanish music. The teacher will then ask the students if they know any words in Spanish, if so, what are they? The teacher will write these on the board. This is how the teacher will find out what the students know about Spain already.

Instructional Strategies - The teacher informs the students that they should take out their list of questions that they wrote in language arts class this morning, because the guest speaker is here and will talk and answer the questions. The teacher will tell the students to go in order by rows and each student is to ask two questions at a time. Once we are through the entire class, we will start over at the beginning and each student will ask their remaining two. The teacher will explain to the students that if they fail to get through all of the questions, don’t worry, the students will still get full credit for having the questions written down. After the guest speaker is finished answering the questions, we will invite him to stay for our fiesta (party in Spanish). Note: Each student was responsible for bringing certain items to class. A note was sent home to ask if this was possible. After the students got out their items, the teacher asked that the students journey around the room to find out the different types of Spanish music, food, games, and information about Spain. Finally, the teacher instructed the children to sit down. The teacher put signs in front of each of the four Spanish foods and explained each one of them to the students, so that the students knew what they were going to be eating. After the teacher explained this, she informed the students to chow down.

Closure/Review/Summary - The students will play a game, BINGO. This game will be played in Spanish and will test the student's knowledge about Spain. There will be small Spanish prizes available for the winners, like, sombreros, bracelets, tortillas, rings, etc. Finally, after the game is completed the teacher will divide the students into groups of four and assign them to the music, food, information, or game section to pick up. The teacher will instruct the children to put the music on the teacher's desk, to put the food over by the sink, to put the information on the teacher's desk, and to put the game over on the game shelf.

Post-Instructional Assessment - To know if a child has mastered the lesson, the students will turn in the answered questions from the guest speaker. If the students include at least two Spanish dishes on the back of the piece of paper then they are eligible for 2 extra credit points. All students will receive a participation grade for hosting the fiesta. The questions will be graded as follows:

  • A = asked questions fully, developed all four questions, and submitted questions
  • B = asked questions fully, developed three questions, and submitted questions
  • C = did not ask questions fully, only developed two questions, submitted questions
  • D = did not ask questions fully, only developed one question, submitted question
  • F = did not ask questions, did not develop any questions, no paper submitted

Reteaching - As a reteaching lesson, the teacher could go back and review the music, food, games, and information about Spain. For example, if the students did not understand the Flamenco dancing, the teacher would ask the music teacher to do a lesson on Spanish music. The more the concept is repeated, the better the chance the students will master it.

Enrichment - For enrichment, I would ask the students to complete a short essay on what they learned, thought, and felt about the Spanish customs. I would ask that they include particular types of Spanish music, food, and games. I would also like them to include whether or not they would visit Spain, and why or why not.


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