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Schooling Together - 100 Days of School With Swimmy
Grade Level(s): K
By: Cindy, Kindergarten Teacher

Students will learn the importance of working together, counting to 100 and visualizing seeing how many 100 is.


Students will learn the importance of working together, counting to 100 and visualizing seeing how many 100 is.


  • The book:Swimmy by Leo Lioni
  • 100 fish shapes on white construction paper
  • big bulletin board space


  1. Read the book to your students.
  2. Discuss how important it is to work together in all kinds of groups. Examples: family, classroom, friends, community, etc.
  3. Have students color 99 fish one color. (orange) You can color the 100th fish black to represent Swimmy.
  4. Hang the fish together on the bulletin board creating one big fish, with Swimmy being the eye.
  5. The students will also be able to see or relate something to the amount of 100.


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