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Using Children's Literature to Teach Writing: Oh, Tucker!
Grade Level(s): 3-5
By: Tina Kates, Third Grade

Writing activity to use with Oh, Tucker by Steven Kroll.


Write a classificatory composition.


  • Oh, Tucker! by Steven Kroll
  • 5 different colored markers
  • Graphic organizer on a transparency or butcher paper
  • Small treats (teddy grahams, etc.)


  1. Read Oh, Tucker!

  2. State the prompt: Almost every kid would like to have a dog for a pet. Write a composition telling what is good and bad about having a dog for a pet.

  3. Pass out 3 to 4 treats. Kids get to eat a treat for each beneficial idea that they contribute. Brainstorm about prompt. Write down ideas on a t-chart.

  4. Have the class examine the list. Determine if there were any ideas that were the same. Cross out duplicates.

  5. Have the kids examine the list again. Together select 3 from the good side and 3 from the bad side. The kids need to select those they feel they can write about easily. These will be used in their graphic organizer.

  6. Write down a selection by each main idea statement on the graphic organizer.

  7. Ask kids to volunteer details to support the statement. Kids eat a treat for their beneficial ideas. You write down their ideas, remember you want them to contribute, not to keep up with your writing pace.

  8. The next day, give each child a copy of the graphic organizer that was
    completed from yesterday.

  9. Using the graphic organizer, write the rough draft. The kids will only be contributing ideas. Write the introduction, good, bad, and conclusion in different colors.

  10. Edit the piece with a different color.


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