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The Very Hungry Kindergartner
Grade Level(s): K
By: Amy Koch, kindergarten teacher

Write a book entitled "The Very Hungry Kindergartener" after reading and discussing the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Reinforces writing, phonetics, and counting.


Write a book entitled "The Very Hungry Kindergartener" after reading and discussing the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Reinforces writing, phonetics, and counting.


  • The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
  • crayons
  • markers
  • pencils
  • resources for getting words such as word walls, dicitonaries, etc (I have many word walls in my room)
  • a copied book for each students


Copy a page for each student with some of the sentences already written.

Sentences should read,

"In January, ____(he/she) ate one __________." (whatever food they choose goes here--count on word walls and phonetic spelling)

Page two. "In February, ____he/she ate two _____________."

Continue on through until June/July.

The June/July sentence should read, "In June/July ____he/she took a vacation."

Next page. "In August, ______he/she grew....... (next page) into a FIRST GRADER!

Illustrate above each page. Make sure to make a title page as well. The students can them share their books with others in the class or other classes.


This is a great counting, reading and writing activity. My kids love it.

Copyright (c) 2000 by Amy Koch. All Rights Reserved.


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