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Grade Level(s): K
By: Amy Koch, Kindergarten Teacher

For the year 2000 we collected 2000 pennies and adopted a whale. The children picked the whale and its name. From this we received a kit and a adoption certificate for each child. This was done through the International Wildlife Foundation. We had no problem collecting the pennies. You can pick any significant number and do this project. When we received our whale kit, I read the book and we wrote letters to our whale "Splash".


  • Dear Mr. Blueberry
  • You do not have to adopt a whale to do this.
  • You can also bring in a baby pool and put sponge whales in it, etc.
  • Paper for writing with a spot to illustrate above.


  • We collected pennies and adopted a whale. When we received the kit, I read the book Dear Mr. Blueberry. From this we used our imagination about what our whale was doing and some more facts we would like to know. What would we ask our whale Splash if we could talk to him. We then wrote letters to Splash and sent them in our classroom mailbox. This reinforces letter writing skills and also opens a great springboard for talking about endangered animals and way certain animals are endangered. We continue to get updates on our whale.


    Editor's Note: There are many places on the web that offer whale adoption services. Try running a search on google.com


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