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Transition troubles... Gone
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: suz66

My class was having trouble with their behavior during transitions or walking in the hall. I wrote "You and Me" on a T-chart and explained to the class how we had to work together for a happy classroom. When the class followed a class rule, they got the point, when they did not, I got the point. Whoever reached 15 points first won. I have 2 baskets with 'prizes' that we each had chosen. I won easily the first 2 times, my prizes were to have them practice their handwriting for 15 minutes and multiplication facts for 15 min. After my 2 wins, my class' competitive nature took over. They have easily won the last few times. I now rarely earn a point and the class has saved up their wins for larger rewards.



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