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Lunch Count and Attendance - Refrigerator
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: Leigh Ann Fish

My children move their "spoons" to the designated area on a "refrigerator" to indicate their lunch preference (any left over are absent). Here's what you need:

  • A small rectangular piece of sheet metal (can be purchased at any craft store)
  • Decorate using permanent markers to look like a refrigerator (mine has lines for the doors, handles, ice/water dispenser, pretend magnets, etc.)
  • Spray paint wooden craft spoons with metallic silver paint; write each child's name on one using a black marker; attach a magnet to the back

I wrote the words “packing, buying, special” on magnet strips and put one on each third of the refrigerator. I have the refrigerator and spoons held in place with magnets on the side of my filing cabinet.

~~It's cheap, simple, and the kids love it!~~



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