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The Shape of Me
Grade Level(s): K
By: Amy Fesler, Kindergarten Teacher

To tell about yourself and to learn shape recognition, following directions and being creative.


To tell about yourself and to learn shape recognition, following directions and being creative.


  • Tongue depressor
  • black, brown, yellow, peach, tan, white, red, blue, green, purple circles, ovals, triangles, squares, rectangles
  • Markers


  1. Read the book -The Shape of Me and Other Stuff by Dr. Seuss.
  2. Talk about the shapes of different items used in the story.
  3. Bring in these items and talk about whether or not they are squares, why, why not, circles, etc.
  4. Tell the students they are going to create themselves using shapes.
  5. Give each child a tongue depressor. This piece will serve as the arms.
  6. Take an oval for the body. Tell the students to use two rectangles for legs and a circle for the head.
  7. Attach the oval body part to the front of the tongue depressor.
  8. Attach two legs to the back of the oval.
  9. Attach the head to the tongue depressor so that it connects to the body.
  10. Have the children add feet out of whatever shape, clothes, a face.
  11. When finished have the students tell about themselves and what shapes they used on their own.


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