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Lunch Chart
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: SJA, 3rd

I made a class chart with my students’ names on it and columns for the five days of the week. In the spaces under the days of the week, I put a capital R, S, H that stand for regular lunch, salad, or home lunch. I staple this sheet to my bulletin board with my teacher slips that go to the office in an envelope above it. Each day as the children enter the room they must choose what type of lunch they are having and circle their choice. If they forget to choose and are eating school lunch they are stuck with what I want them to eat--a great motivator to be responsible. This is also how I take attendance since the total of the lunch count indicates who is absent for the day, thus allowing me to send students to the media center and other locations in a timely fashion.



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