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Greeting Sticks
Grade Level(s): 3-5
Submitted by: Brian, 4th, St. Joseph, MO

Hi! At my school we meet in the gym every morning before school starts, so I would give my kids a greeting stick (craft stick) with their name on it. The student would keep the stick until they got to the classroom where on a bulletin board, I had a box for "HOT" lunch and a box for "COLD" lunch. As the students got stuff out of back packs they would put thier stick in the correct box. All I had to do, was pick up the sticks, so who was HOT or COLD while the students were working on the Morning Task. Also, it easy to tell who is absent. I did not have to call out names ever this year, to find about lunch. I had to replace the stick after Christmas break, that is when they start to show their age.



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