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Back to School Back Pack
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: Tamie Clark, 1st Grade, Jackson Elementary

I introduce myself to my class by bringing a backpack to school. In it I put several things that tell something about me: my favorite book, a picture of my family, a stuffed frog (since I collect them), a picture I have painted, etc...

After the students have arrived, we sit together on the floor to get to know each other. I start with myself by pulling one item out at a time and discussing how it relates to me. I make sure the items can be handled by the children so that I can pass them around. When I am done, I go around the circle and have each student share one thing about himself or herself.

I also let the students know that they may visit the backpack and look at everything again during center time.

I know of another teacher who sends the backpack home each day until everyone has had a day. The student selected to carry the backpack home returns with 2 or 3 things and gets to share with the class.



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