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Teacher True/False Quiz
Grade Level(s): 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Submitted by: Amy Kirshen

About a week after school starts I pass out a true/false quiz about myself. I have 10 statements about myself, which deal with things I'd like the students to know about me, and some random true facts that they always think are false. Once the students have silently taken the quiz, we go through the statements together. I ask them to raise their hand if they think a statement is true, then if they think it is false. This part is fun for me to see what impressions they already have of me. I then tell them the correct answer. They love it! Their homework assignment that night is to write a true/false quiz about themselves, which I will then take. They can then grade how well I did on their quiz. I learn quite a bit about them by taking their quiz.



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