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For last year's students
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: A. Vasquez, 2nd Bilingual

At the beginning of the year, the students I had last year always come to see me. Because I truly do miss them and want them to have a successful year, I prepare a "goodie bag" of sorts for them. I use a regular brown sack lunch and spruce it up with labels (about the size of a shipping label) that I make on the computer. The labels have school graphics like a school bus or desk and they say "Ms. Vasquez misses me." Inside I put a fun pencil, an individual packet of tissue, a small juice drink (I don't give soda), maybe some crackers for snack, and other various things they may need for the first few days of school. I know not all students have all their supplies right away, so this helps them be a little prepared and also reminds them of how much I appreciate them.



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