At the beginning of the school year, I make up a packet using a plastic zip lock bag. In the bag I put a pencil, a small piece of candy, a word search using basic vocabulary the kids will need such as room, name, address, street, school, teacher, parents, notes, date, pencils, erasers, dates, the school name, my name and the town. I also include a simple crossword puzzle using similar basic words. In addition, I add a book mark and a name tag. This packet helps keep the class busy while I take care of the first day clerical work. Next, I have a sheet of paper ready with a space on the top for a drawing and lines below for writing. I ask the children to write their name neatly on the bottom and draw a picture about the best part of their summer vacation. Underneath the picture, I ask that they tell about this picture. I ask them to do their best as we will be sharing these with each other.