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A variation of fishing line to hang work from ceiling
Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8
Submitted by: katarina, Kinder

I saw a teacher hang work from the ceiling in a truly creative way. She used colored yarn and tied one end to the paper clip, and one end to a clothespin. On the clothespin, she glued a laminated cutout or punchout relating to the classroom theme on either side of the clothespin. She then slipped the paper clip in the ceiling (most schools I've seen have the type of ceiling that allows for that.) She hangs them at a length that is out of the way, but reachable without climbing up on something. All she has to do is reach up and pop the work in or out of the clothespin. Not only is it quick, the punchouts provide great colorful accents.



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