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Decorating Ideas.. Displaying Birthdays
Grade Level(s): Preschool, K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8
Submitted by: Nikki Ahn, 5th Grade

At the beginning of each school year, I like to decorate my desk. This year I have chosen to turn my desk into a 'gift'. I wrapped it with birthday wrapping paper and made a bow out of other paper and curly ribbon. I used a colorful evelope and placed my name on it and taped it to the front of my desk. Next to my desk sits a 3-file cabinet. I wrapped that with a yellow wrapping paper and die-cut colorful balloons. I attatched curly ribbon at the bottom of each balloon, and placed a student's name and birthdate on it as well. This frees up wall space, is an eyecatcher, and makes the kids feel special once they see their name and b-date posted!!!!



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