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  Home : Printables : Story Starters

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Story Starters Printables

Story Starter: What if dogs could read? (PDF file)
Directions: Cut along the dotted line and use as a cover for your shape book. Make pages for your book by tracing onto notebook paper and cutting. Think about the answer to the question, and write a story about it!
storystarter_dog.pdf  By Amanda Post
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Story Starter: What if it never stopped raining? (PDF file)
Make a Rain Cloud Book - Directions: Cut along the dotted line and use the rain cloud as a cover. Cut pages to fit the cover and staple them together into a book. Think about the answer to the question, and write a story about it in your new book!
storystarter_rain.pdf  By Amanda Post
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Story Starter: What if turtles didn't have shells? (PDF file)
Make a Turtle Shape Book - Directions: Cut out the turtle shell and use as a cover. Make shell-shaped pages by tracing onto notebook paper and cutting. Think about the answer to the question, and write a story about it in your new book!
storystarter_turtles.pdf  By Amanda Post
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5
Story Starter: What if we could only eat pizza? (PDF file)
Directions: Cut out the pizza slice and use as a cover. Make pizza-shaped pages by tracing onto notebook paper and cutting. Think about the answer to the question, and write a story about it!
storystarter_pizza.pdf  By Amanda Post
Grade Level(s): K, 1-2, 3-5


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