I would like to share a wonderful and effective transition strategry that I use. On a big green poster board, I drew a football field. (0 yards in the center and 50 yards at each end) In the beginning of the school yera, I introduced the football chart. I placed a small football on the 0 year line. I told theme that we were going to play a game for six weeks. . I was one team and the students were another. I told them that every time we had to change from one subject to another, they were going to be timed (1 min.) If everyone was ready within the time, they score 10 yards. If not, I score. The quarters are divided within weeks. At the end of the six weeks, if I win, they have to write a comprehensive report. IF they win, they get a whole day of fun educational activities and snacks. This strategry is effective, fun, exciting, and motivating.