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Lunch and Attendance all in one
Grade Level(s): 1-2, 3-5
Submitted by: Janet, Second

I tape colored masking tape on a magnetic wall in the shape of a "I". The children are all have a picture of some grapes (printed out from clip art and laminated) with their name on one side and a small magnet on the other. The lunch menu is posted nearby for them to read the two choices from the cafeteria. The grapes are in a basket by the menu. If they want choice one, they put their grapes on the left side of the "I"; if they would prefer choice two, it goes on the right side. If they brought their lunch, they put their grapes below the "I." I am then able to quickly see who is absent by whose grapes are left in the basket. I then have a student fill out the lunch ticket for the cafeteria, and tell me who is absent.



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